What do we have achieved by now?

Until now, our sustainability activities have often been somewhat hidden and many were not aware that the university community has been committed to sustainability for many years. This page reports on the multitude of activities, ranging from student initiatives to innovative start-ups. It is thus also intended as an online sustainability report to transparently show our progress towards Sustainable RUB 2030.

The process has been initiated. We want to channel all our activities and make them visible. An online sustainability report will constantly provide information on our progress.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel, Sustainability Officer Ruhr University

Sustainable RUB 2023

What does sustainable life at Ruhr University look like in 2023? We are thinking, for instance, of academics in interdisciplinary research networks who are conducting research on sustainability issues, student theses that shed light on various facets of sustainability, sustainable solutions from founders, employees who are involved in sustainability initiatives... This is an attempt to take inventory.

Sustainability portal
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